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FIRING BACK By Erich Pratt


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Written by Erich Pratt, Senior Vice President of Gun Owners of America.

Firing Back is the book the anti-gunners hope that you will never read. It should be a manual for any American looking to take back their rights and defend their families.” — Tim Harmsen, Social Media influencer and host of YouTube’s Military Arms Channel.

“Erich brings passion, knowledge and commitment to the critical conversations about firearms. Firing Back will equip both gun owners and non-gun owners with the tools to better advocate for the importance of the Second Amendment.” — Shermichael Singleton, Cohost of GunsOutTV, and former political strategist to Newt Gingrich and Dr. Ben Carson.

Firing Back will prepare you to easily counter and dispel commonly voiced myths used by gun control advocates to erode the Second Amendment. So buy this book, study it, and share it with your friends. It is that important.” — Rick Ector, Firearms Instructor, Founder of Legally Armed in Detroit.